– Licensed Acupuncturist AP2091
– Diplomat of Oriental Medicine Certification
– Acu-point Injection Therapy Certification
For Monica, an interest in holistic medicine came early in life after becoming vegetarian while in High School. The drive to learn how foods could be healing led her to work at other local health food stores that sold organic produce, meats and other natural products
along with every type of nutritional supplement imaginable. People would come in asking for help in finding drug-free solutions to their health concerns. Together, they would research the best products to help them with their complaint and come up with a plan of action for treatment. Then they would come in a month later with an update for her on their health. It didn’t take her long to see patterns in complaints and start to learn about what each vitamin, mineral, amino acid, single American herb, homeopathic remedy, etc. could do and soon she had working knowledge of not only how foods could heal but how supplements could as well.
Her working knowledge of nutritional supplementation was the inspiration in becoming an Acupuncturist. Interestingly enough the process of listening, researching and recommending she gained in the early days of working at a health food store, still applies to her method of treatment today. For over 20 yrs Monica has been cultivating her intuition to help her patients with her knowledge of Chinese medicine. Her relationship with her patients is what matters most. Focusing on her patients’ needs, building trust and communication are key for the patient-centered care and common-goal therapeutic relationships she has formed.
Monica is a board certified Florida Acupuncture Physician. She holds a Master’s of Science in Oriental Medicine from Florida College of Integrative Medicine and has been licensed since 2001. Her certifications include: Acupuncture Injection Therapy and Facial
Rejuvenation. Although Monica is a General Practitioner, her postgraduate training has been in gynecology, reproductive medicine and pain management. Monica uses an integrated approach to treatment. This means that in addition to the many
modalities Oriental medicine offers, she also incorporates nutritional supplements and other holistic services. Using this approach allows the collective services to completely help a patient with their condition.
It is Monica’s professional view that illness is rooted in the psycho-spiritual realm and the signs & symptoms that a person feels are
manifestations to have one pay attention to their body and incorporate assistance in healing. Oriental medicine is rooted deeply in emotions whether expressed or not, and these emotions can be direct causes to organ disharmonies. Organ disharmonies eventually lead to physical symptoms of sickness or that overall unsettled feeling that motivates one to research self-care services, such as acupuncture and Oriental medicine.
Love note from your wellness provider
I am passionate about the results each patient has on their journey towards health. I pride myself on truly listening and sharing a healing experience with my patients that is bound in compassion and empathy. My approach to acupuncture has always been a “less is
more” attitude with intentional yet gentle treatments. I aspire to meet you where you are at so as to understand where the disharmonies are coming from and explain how the different facets of Chinese medicine can help make the changes needed to feel like one’s-self again.
In addition to acupuncture, patients could be encouraged to facilitate the acupuncture with body work, Chinese herbal formulas, nutritional supplements, or homeopathic remedy along with a referral for movement therapy (like yoga, Pilates, physical therapy) or possibly to another provider here at Be Well, for an integrative
medical approach.