Acupuncture for Youth FAQ

What age groups do you treat with pediatric acupuncture?

Our team of acupuncture physicians work with children ranging from babies just a few months old all the way to adolescents aged 18.

Why is acupuncture and East Asian medicine an ideal option for children?

When it comes to the health and well-being of children, our goal is to trigger their body’s innate healing systems without overwhelming or taxing their bodies. East Asian medicine and all that it encompasses (acupuncture, herbal therapeutics, dietary recommendations, tuina and lifestyle habits) is an amazing approach because they are non-invasive and safe remedies to support your child’s natural healing responses.

Does my child need to have something wrong with them in order to receive acupuncture?

Generally, yes. With children the less invasive procedures work best. If their immune, digestive and cognitive systems are working without symptoms then it is fair to assume they are well.

What are some of the conditions acupuncture can treat?

Acupuncture can be a helpful approach to a number of disorders that children these days are dealing with, for example: digestive issues like colic, stomach pain, acid reflux, constipation, diarrhea; skin issues like eczema, rashes, hives, acne, scars; behavioral issues like ADHD, anxiety, depression, tantrums, aggressive tendencies; immune issues like allergies, chronic colds, excessive mucus, asthma; neurological issues like tics, tremors, headaches, vision issues; it can also support injury recover relating to sports injuries like concussions, broken bones, pulled muscles.

Will needles/taps be used during my child’s treatment?

While we are able to use alternate methods of point stimulation, acupuncture tends to work the best for certain conditions. When working with children we use thin, sterile needles that most children do not even notice.

What if my child is afraid of needles?

For children who are afraid of the needles we can use alternate methods of stimulating the acupuncture points like moxibustion which is a thermal therapy or pain-free lasers.

Will the needles/taps hurt?

More often than not when doing acupuncture the child does not even feel the needle.

How long do the needles/taps need to stay in?

Generally the needles stay in 10-20 minutes depending on what we are working on as well as depending on how comfortable the child is being still.

What happens during my child’s first treatment?

During your child’s first visit we will sit and get a thorough case history including any relevant lifestyle habits and emotional patterns, assess any relevant markers, check their tongue and pulse, treat them, and give any helpful recommendations.

What are follow-up visits like?

Follow up visits are a little more streamlined, we will check in with any new changes and modify the treatment approach as needed.

How many treatments will my child need and how often will he/she need to come?

This really depends on what our primary focus is. Children are remarkably fast healers, it just takes the right support to help their body to get there. Some children need more support while others need less. Within the first two sessions your acupuncture physician will be able to give you the appropriate expectations for your child’s unique health needs.

Will my insurance cover treatment cost?

Find out by verifying your insurance.

How long is each visit?

With youth our appointment times are 30-45 minutes in length.

Do you practice Chinese herbs or make supplement/self-care suggestions?

Yes! With the young people that come into our office we love to send them with all the support they need to speed along their healing process, this includes herbal, supplemental, dietary and self-care recommendations.

Does my child have to sit still?

Not necessarily, certain types of treatments will require some degree of stillness while others they can wiggle while we work.

How should I prepare my child for their visit?

Let them know they are going to be in a safe space, seeing a doctor who CANNOT wait to help them. Ask them if they have any questions so that our acupuncturist can be sure to answer those. Let them know we may try some different treatments, but we will always check in to see if they are comfortable.